Schedule: All year
Timetable week: 2 to 5 days / 1 or 2 lessons per day
Timetable weekend: 2 days / 1 night / 1 or 2 lessons per day
Closed: Du 10 au 22 avril du 3 juillet au 19 août Du 23 au 28 octobre
GPS: 47°50'12,9"N - 4°20'46,3" W
Completely renovated in 2005, XXIX Surfcamp, Tronoën located 800m from the beach, with a capacity of 18 people, this bigoudenne farmhouse offers quality services. Alone, with family or friends for a night, a weekend or a week-long stay, the XXIX Surf Camp is ideal for a stage, a stay, and sporting holidays, in a unique and unspoilt nature. During the Easter, summer and All Saints, we propose a Surfcamp Junior (12-17 years) with full board. The rest of the year the XXIX Surfcamp is ready to welcome you for your stay with or without activity.
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