Schedule: All year
Timetable week: Hors saison : Lundi au dimanche 10h/12h30 et 14h30/19h Juillet et août Tous les jours de 9h à 20h
Timetable weekend: Hors saison : 10h/12h30 et 14h30/19h Juillet et août : 9h/20h
GPS: 48°13'28,804"N, - 4°29'906"W
Over 20 years of existence ... on the road to Plouharnel spots at the entrance to the Quiberon peninsula , this Surf Shop 100% technique combines the authenticity of this lifestyle and expertise the latest technology. Find in store a wide range of Surf boards of major brands : AL MERRICK - PUKAS - FIREWIRE ATAO ... and a used snowboard park ( Shortboard , fish, longboard, mini malibu, malibu, children boards. .. )
Schedule: All year
Timetable week: 10h/19h
Timetable weekend: 10h/19h
GPS: 47°50'12,9"N, - 4°20'46,3" W
Located at the most popular surfing spot in Brittany, this school welcomes people of all levels throughout the year. So you want to go surfing in THE place to go in Brittany? It can be done! The La Torche Surf School in Southern Finistère offers various classes, with or without accommodation. You're not quite sure whether to give it a go? Why not go for the discovery package with 1-3 sessions? Apart from giving classes, the School also organises a lot of special events: competitions, open days, tests. It's true that La Torche is the ideal place. According to Ronan Chatain, the director, "It's the number one spot for surfing in Brittany!" Because of its unique situation, it is possible to surf there in all conditions. But that's not all. The School also offers kite-surfing and sand yachting classes.
Schedule: All year
Timetable week: Hors saison : 10h/13h et 15h/19h mercredi au dimance Saison : tous les jours en continu 10h-20h Période vacances scolaires, été
Timetable weekend: 10h00 - 17h00
Closed: Hors saison: Dimanche matin fermé
GPS: 48°13'33,82"N -4°30'16,549"W
"Absolute Surf offers a selection of the best shapes of the moment, based on professional expertise , which will meet the expectations of each surfer. Our trips to international competitions in the world alongside professional surfers have enabled us to build real trust with the master shapers (France , Spain, Portugal , Australia , California, Hawaii and Brazil ) . However, it is essential for our surfshop to direct you to the best value . In an environment where production and marketing interfere too often the quality and performance of the design , it seems important to offer our customers the same dream as ours : genuine and authentic surf boards , designated shaped on and signed by the master's hand ... "
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